Polyurethane foam is a soft, elastic, gas-filled polyurethane foam that is 90% air.
It is used for furniture to a greater extent, in construction and manufacturing. Comes in different colors, mostly beige, white and pink, thickness from 5 to 1000mm, in rolls and mats.
Laser cutting makes the end of the foam rubber slightly brown. We can cut from 5 to 40mm thickness with the laser, but it is better to cut up to 20mm, if you cut 30 or 40mm thickness, the laser may not cut the foam rubber to the end, the end comes out jagged and unclear.
If you want to bring your material to us for cutting then you should bring the material with reserve for defects. Cutting can cause burns since polyurethane foam is a flammable material.
The laser beam when cutting foam rubber tends to scatter and refract. Thereby leaving behind a C-shaped edge. Such an edge becomes visible only at greater material thicknesses. In the case of this material from a thickness of 10 mm.
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